Angel Britches: Cloth Diaper Store for Local Readers
I've been wanting to cloth diaper for so long and other than one real good bloggy friend, I had no one to turn to for help in understanding how the heck this all worked (and the internet is sometimes not detailed enough). Over the weekend I heard about a local store that sold cloth diapers, Angel Britches, located in the Mall of Louisiana in Baton Rouge. You have no idea how excited I was to hear about this. I quickly looked them up on Facebook and visited their website and determined that I had to go there.
Angel Britches is a natural parenting store full of cloth diaper goodness, baby cuteness and more. From baby carriers to cloth diapers and Melissa + Doug toys to breastfeeding goodies, they have so much fun stuff there. Many of the skin care products they sell are the good kind - natural and non toxic (just like I like them). I could buy the whole store and be pretty dang happy.

Both times I went I saw the owners and they are nothing but delightful. Their knowledge and experience, as well as their positive attitude can help any confused cloth diaper enthusiast like myself. If you're even considering it, I recommend you visit them and hear what it's all about as well as see these adorable diapers in person. If you're not interested in cloth diapers, then they still have plenty for you!
We are loving cloth so far and I'm so glad that my two friends are joining me in this! I have diapered my daughter from now until she's potty trained for about $375 rather than spending the usual $2,000-$2,500 it costs for disposables.
Stay tuned for a more detail post from me in about a week on cloth. I have several friends asking how it works since I've been Facebooking and Instagramming the heck out of it, and I intend on letting you all know more. I'm still learning though!
Who cloths and did you ever find a store locally to shop at?
Local readers, have you ever been to Angel Britches?
Thanks for reading and don't forget my giveaway going on! Sasha
*I was not asked to endorse Angel Britches for any reason, I just simply believe in spreading the word about such a wonderful place.