I Am Guilty Of...
- Rocking my baby for each nap. Hey it works and I have plenty of time on my hands.
- Kissing my baby a ridiculous amount.
- Watching all of the Kardashian shows.
- Not wanting to leave my baby and wondering about her when I do.
- Eating chocolate cake for breakfast.
- Eating more of that chocolate cake for midday snack and after dinner snack.
- Thinking I always need a snack.
- Hating the thought of getting dinner started.
- Despising each and every person at Wal-Mart. Get. Out. Of. My. Way.
- Sometimes feeling like I need a glass of wine after a long day.
- Never indulging in a glass of wine anymore.
- Not eating enough fruits (haha bring on the wine! Grapes right?)
- Craving fried chicken more than I should.
- Having more fun dressing up my baby than I probably should.
- Not going to Church enough.
- Not answering emails fast enough or cleaning out my inbox(es).
- Having too many dang email addresses.
- Thinking my baby is seriously the prettiest dang baby. EVER. (we all do it!)
- Staying in my pajamas all day.
- Hurrying to get dressed before hubby comes home so he doesn't see me in my pjs. Again.
- Internet shopping too much.
- Never wanting to go back to work because I LOVE my new job.
- Trying to be the best dang mommy I can be.
Oh and I'm guilty of loving baby leg warmers wayyyy toooo much!
It's a cold weather must have!
It's a cold weather must have!
What are you guilty of?