Holiday ABC's (Fill It in With Your Answers)
{These holiday ABC's are my own original questions, please feel free to copy and paste them to do your own, but please include a link back and the image below. I wish I had done this sooner - it was hard to think of, but fun to do!}
Apple Pie or Chocolate Pie? Chocolate Pie
Baked Good of choice? My aunts fudge and my grandmother's chocolate pie
Candy Cane or Cinnamon? Candy Cane
Decorating for Christmas is ________. Ridiculously exciting.
Elf on the Shelf? I got it for my seven month old so he can be with her every Christmas (and I'm guilty of being ridiculously excited about that too).
Favorite Christmas movie? The Santa Clause series, particularly the third one
Gingerbread house or gingerbread man? I don't like gingerbread, but I'd love to build a house!
Ham or Turkey? Tricky question, I'm going to say ham (but dang I love fried turkey).
Internet shopping or go to the store? I did a ton of shopping online and loved it, but it is still fun to go in person.
Joy to the World or Noel? Joy to the World
Kris Kringle or St. Nick? I'd prefer St. Nick
Lights up on the house? No unfortunately none are on the house (insert sad face).
Mistletoe hung for all to see? Yep, it's right when you walk in!
Nights are spent best ________________. Sitting by the tree watching Christmas movies.
Ornaments to put up and a pain to take down
People are ________ during this time of year. Jolly
Quality time is best spent ________. With my family relaxing, eating and giving.
Rudolph or Frosty the Snowman (movies)? It's a toss up here, but I love Frosty!
Santa is...real in my book and looks like Tim Allen.
Turkey baked or fried? OMG Fried turkey is amazing!
Underwear or Christmas pjs? Well I don't have Christmas pjs, but I always wear Christmas socks.
Village (use it in a sentence) I want to live in a Christmas village. It's my favorite Christmas decor.
Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper, although next year I want an eco-friendly alternative.
Xoxoxo are __________. A must when you greet your family!
You put your tree up before or after Thanksgiving this year? I'm guilty of before Turkey day every year!
Zero degree type temps or non Christmas-y temps? Unfortunately it doesn't usually feel like Christmas in South LA.
Apple Pie or Chocolate Pie? Chocolate Pie
Baked Good of choice? My aunts fudge and my grandmother's chocolate pie
Candy Cane or Cinnamon? Candy Cane
Decorating for Christmas is ________. Ridiculously exciting.
Elf on the Shelf? I got it for my seven month old so he can be with her every Christmas (and I'm guilty of being ridiculously excited about that too).
Favorite Christmas movie? The Santa Clause series, particularly the third one
Gingerbread house or gingerbread man? I don't like gingerbread, but I'd love to build a house!
Ham or Turkey? Tricky question, I'm going to say ham (but dang I love fried turkey).
Internet shopping or go to the store? I did a ton of shopping online and loved it, but it is still fun to go in person.
Joy to the World or Noel? Joy to the World
Kris Kringle or St. Nick? I'd prefer St. Nick
Lights up on the house? No unfortunately none are on the house (insert sad face).
Mistletoe hung for all to see? Yep, it's right when you walk in!
Nights are spent best ________________. Sitting by the tree watching Christmas movies.
Ornaments to put up and a pain to take down
People are ________ during this time of year. Jolly
Quality time is best spent ________. With my family relaxing, eating and giving.
Rudolph or Frosty the Snowman (movies)? It's a toss up here, but I love Frosty!
Santa is...real in my book and looks like Tim Allen.
Turkey baked or fried? OMG Fried turkey is amazing!
Underwear or Christmas pjs? Well I don't have Christmas pjs, but I always wear Christmas socks.
Village (use it in a sentence) I want to live in a Christmas village. It's my favorite Christmas decor.
Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper, although next year I want an eco-friendly alternative.
Xoxoxo are __________. A must when you greet your family!
You put your tree up before or after Thanksgiving this year? I'm guilty of before Turkey day every year!
Zero degree type temps or non Christmas-y temps? Unfortunately it doesn't usually feel like Christmas in South LA.