Foto Friday: New Year's Camping Trip
Here are just a few of the highlights of camping with my family for the New Year. I look so forward to many, many more camping trips like this (just maybe not so cold). It was freezing but it sure was fun and I'm so glad we did it. Overall our Little Bug did pretty amazing considering how attached to home she is. She didn't sleep good in the pack n play and had to sleep with me each night, but other than that she handled it pretty good.
This baby loves swinging. I have a million photos of her smiling so big in the swing at the playground. I think we could have stayed there all day and she'd have been happy. She occasionally played in the walker and occasionally played in the play pen with her toys, but otherwise she was bundled up with someone.
It was great to get away for a little while and to just be out in the woods with my favorite people!
Little Bug, Mommy looks forward to bringing you on many camping trips. Pop and Gigi always brought mama camping and mama loves it! I hope you always find it fun and enjoyable and daddy and I can't wait to make a million memories with you. ~Mama
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Happy Friday, Sasha