My New Favorite: 3 Girls Holistic Skin Care
Recently I came across this fabulous company on Zulily, and after researching them out and contacting them, I was fortunate enough to receive their Introduction kit to review. Let me just start and say how excited I was to receive something for myself to review! I have been in need of a more natural facial regimen, and I was SO excited to give this one a whirl.
I've never really had major problems with my skin. I've never had bad cases of acne or even really acne prone skin. However, I do battle blackheads around my chin which leads to picking which then leads to some blemishes. I also tend to breakout near my chin during Mother Nature's favorite time of the month.
Around the time that I was sent this kit my face was just awful. First off, it was about as dry as a piece of sand paper thanks to all of the wacked up weather Louisiana has, and the drying was leading to "cracking" here and there around my nose. Then I was for some reason also battling a few blemishes. I now wonder though if some of the dryness was also just due to harsh chemicals.
My first experience using this system was at night. I used the gentle facial cleanser mixed with some cleansing grains and finished it off with the purifying toner and nourishing cream. First off, I LOVED the face cleanser and grains right from the start (the grains are my fav!). The purifying toner was quite a bit of a shock for my skin since I've never sprayed something straight on it like that and well, the nourishing cream had a very strong scent that at first I wasn't a fan of. However, I went to bed that night with my skin feeling different. A good different and somewhat of a tingly, refreshing different.
I have used these products every day now for the last month+ and I'm such a fan and believer in them. I now love the scents that at first were a bit too strong for me (I think it's the witch hazel in them) and my skin hasn't felt better. I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that my skin feels softer and stronger. After using it one night I actually felt like I had "younger" skin, which is weird because I never really thought that I didn't have young skin. But at that moment, it was how I wanted to describe it. The dryness has cleared up my occasional blemishes seem to be under control at the moment as well as healing and fading (ohhh please keep fading!).
I feel like this photo doesn't do justice. And please note, it took balls to post this! haha. |
I wish I could convince you to order this stuff. I wish everyone realized that perhaps the reason why they breakout or suffer from dry skin is a direct result of harsh chemicals. Sure this stuff doesn't claim to "prevent wrinkles" or "give you younger skin," but just consider what kind of chemicals and toxins have to go into those famous products that claim to do all of this. Don't get me wrong, I understand that if you have very bad acne that you're going to want to try every possible thing out there; our appearance is linked very highly to our self esteem. Always consider though that if all of these expensive products aren't working, then maybe you just need a natural one. Essential oils, herbs and holistic medicine has long been used to take care of people and heal. Somewhere along the line, our culture just wanted bigger and better and that has led us to products full of parabens, formaldehyde and more.
For more reasons why you should consider 3 Girls Holistic:
- All products are handmade in a facility in Nevada -- GO USA! Finally, something made here.
- 0% Toxins. These products are so healthy you could actually eat them.
- Recyclable Packaging.
- Cruelty Free.
- They give back. A portion of all proceeds are given back to three different charities.
- 100% Natural. I can't stress this part enough. There are no preservatives, no cancerous chemicals, no parabens, no sulfates, no phthalates, no formaldehyde, no chlorine, no dyes, no artificial fragrances and just no dang toxins. Each label, on each product tells you how long the shelf life is since these products do not contain preservatives.
Our skin absorbs around 60% of what we put on it (I keep reading this stat everywhere). Like 3 Girls Holistic believes, why put something on it that you wouldn't want inside your body?
I have already ordered more cleansing grains and once my intro kit is finished, I WILL be ordering more of everything. FYI: The intro kit has lasted me a month+ and that's with two washes daily and I still have about another month to go. Therefore, this intro kit will give you a good look at what the products can do for your skin!
Nix the chemicals, nix the claims to make you look years younger and correct years worth of sun damage and blah, blah, blah. Those products are likely only fixing your current issue in a way that can later pose another issue. I highly recommend this product and while as I stated I do not have acne prone skin, I can say that for regular to mildly oily, dry skin with occasional blemishes it will make your skin feel clean, refreshed, softer and even clearer.
Us women are brand loyal little people and I get that. You may think I'm crazy for trying to convince you to switch your face care regimen, and I get that too. But hey, a girl can try.
**If there was ever a product that I've reviewed that I really believed in and
wanted my readers to try, this is the one!**
What do you use on your face?
Thanks for reading, Sasha
Even though I was sent this kit to review at no cost, all opinions are honest and are my own.
Even though I was sent this kit to review at no cost, all opinions are honest and are my own.
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