A Magical Fort

I built my first fort the other day.

Something that I've never done before.

I cuddled and kissed my sweet baby under that fort.

And as I laid there on the floor,

with no other sound than a little back ground music and

a sweet baby playing next to me, I realized that it was one of the best moments ever.

We were in our own little world of blankets, chairs and simple toys.

It was just us two, lost in time.

Lost in our magical fort.

And it was the perfect time to just be.

To be a mother, to be a best friend and to be a pillow for cuddling.

It was the perfect time to just lay there and gaze into those baby blue eyes,

and thank God for this love that I now don't know how I ever lived without.

It's amazing how one little fort, can change your whole day.

Have you ever built a magical fort?

Happy Friday, Sasha