I'm Stuck on "Stuck On You"
When you have a baby you not only gain this new, little bundle of joy, but you also gain a heck of a whole lot of baggage. Having kids means having to tote around bottles, wipes, diapers, toys, spare clothes, sippy cups, snacks, socks, pacifiers, medicines and fifty million other things I am sure. As if your arm doesn't hurt enough from carrying babies and car seats, you get to add to the baggage with heavy diaper bags.
As your little one starts approaching toddler hood, you are given the opportunity to try and
taking less crap with you when you go places. Suddenly they don't need so many diapers and they don't need ten bottles for just one day. Enter the need for a small carry all bag that can replace that ginormous diaper bag you have (that is likely falling apart and busting at the seams).
Having a small little bag to put your baby's "must haves" in is a nifty little thing. But when that bag is cute, monogrammed and even includes an insulated compartment, you've pretty much reached the jackpot.
Toddler hood just became a whole lot more exciting...
I recently received this adorable bag from
, an amazing company that specializes in making monogrammed items, labels, bags, lunch boxes and so much more. With summer camp right around the corner, trips to grandma's for the summer and summer vacations approaching, there is a good chance that you're going to be in the need for some nifty traveling items.
If you're child is attending summer camp or even just a mini summer dance camp, there is a good chance that you're going to want to label everything for your child.
has some of the trendiest and cutest labels around! You can label shoes, clothes, toys, toiletries and so much more. Make sure to check out their website for some adorable items that you can have monogrammed and labeled for your kiddo this summer that includes bags, lunch boxes, storage items and more. They even specialize in party supplies, stationary and all sorts of other goodies. It's basically you're one stop shop for children's must havees!
Life is always easier with labels and monograms (and to do lists too). And kid's items are just so much cuter with names and labels.
Thank Gosh for the person who decided to monogram burp cloths, right?
Below is just a few of the many, many labels you can choose from!
Make sure to check out
Have you converted your little one to a smaller bag yet?
I have and I LOVE it.
Thanks for reading, Sasha
Thanks to Stuck on You for sending this adorable bag over.
This is a sponsored post but all reviews and opinions are honest and solely my own.