When a Green Mom Needs a Break...

Welcome to the May 2014 Natural Living Blog Carnival: Green Moms.
This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Natural Living Blog Carnival hosted by
through the
. This month, our members are talking about how they take time to care for themselves. Stop by all of the posts to get green ideas on how you can take better care of yourself .
Motherhood is no joke.
Sleepless nights do exist beyond your college years.
Being unable to pee alone is actually a
You thought it would be cute when you could finally pee while your husband shaves,
Ah, married life.
Then came twiddle dee and now you wish you could just get your five minutes to pee alone.
That is Motherhood.
(And truth for me, I don't pee in front of my husband)
Truthfully, motherhood isn't quite that bad (at least not with just one kid). Sure there are days where I just want to pull my hair out and cry. There are days where I just need to take a second for ME. There have even been a very few days where a glass of wine was either needed or much desired.
Mama just needs to relax.
So how exactly do I do that?
First off, unfortunately I stay up way too late at night. My husband asks me why I do this but for me it is my "me" time. I catch up on blog work sometimes; I watch
Dancing With the Stars
The Voice
and I even sometimes rent movies. I eat snacks and I play on my phone. It's actually quite nice.
So how do I make my "me" time a little green? Well, for starters I enjoy a bubble bath. Prior to having my baby it had been years since I had a bubble bath, but now I enjoy them at least a few times a week. I indulge in my Honest Company bubble bath and I love it. It's so relaxing to just sit there and
for a little bit. On a really exhausting day, I may even put a bit of lavender essential oil on my pillow to help me get a good night of sleep.
Something else that I find relaxing (and that I need to do much more of) is studying for my CBE and breastfeeding counselor certifications. It is very hard to juggle being home all day with a toddler and blogging and studying. My favorite is to find time to study while sitting outside on the porch in the sunshine and listening to the birds chirp.
Lastly, I relax while catching up on blog work that I don't have to do. Getting networking and posts done ahead of time is very relaxing for me. It means that during the day I have less to worry about and more attention to give to my sweet baby.
Motherhood is quite a blessing, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't sometimes exhausting. I wouldn't trade a second of it in for the world,
but hey
, sometimes a little mommy time is much needed.
How do you relax?
Thanks for reading, Sasha
to learn more about participating in next month’s Natural Living Blog Carnival!
Please take some time to enjoy the posts our other carnival participants have contributed: