Happy 4th From The Mushy Mommy
Chair, Sandals and American Peace Shirt via Target
Here's to hoping you have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend with your family and friends. If you're off of work, I hope you enjoy your day. We all need a good break every now and then, and what better than July 4th for a day of fun and celebration!
Thanks to everyone for making yesterday's post, Life as Mom, one of my number one viewed posts! I am humbled and touched by the amount of shares it received via Facebook as well as the views it has gotten. You guys rock and I truly appreciate you reading and sharing my work. If only you could see my happy dance each time a post of mine is shared on Facebook...xoxo!
Now, we're off for summer fun in the sun with my family!
Happy Birthday America!!!!
Let Freedom Ring...
What's your plans today?
Thanks for reading,