My Outlook on the New Year

So yea, the new year is kinda old news right? Everyone has made their resolutions and started their diets and all I've done is bought a really cute 2015 planner to kick things off. I really suck at making resolutions because each year I want to make 131 resolutions that I don't always complete to the fullest. This year I've seen several people talk about a word or word(s) for the New Year, rather than goals. I've been stumped since New Year's Eve on what I wanted to do for 2015.

As it turns out, I don't know if I really have any "specific" goals in mind for this year. Isn't a whole entire goal quite a bit of pressure sometimes? Don't we typically forget these goals by say, March or even February for some? Most gym rats can tell you that by March most of the resolution people are goners already.

For me personally 2015 is bringing about a lot for us. We are in a new home and most of all we are gaining a new little bundle of joy to add to our family. Gosh, I simply can't wait for that moment. Additionally there is my shop that was only open for a little less than three months in 2014, so now is my year to really make it something. Geesh, that's already a lot.

So for this year I suppose I'm going to shoot more for these fancy words than resolutions. Maybe these words will just be reminders for my life rather than goals that my pregnant, lazy self is too busy to work on most days.


This word was always on my mind in 2014 as I was constantly looking at ways to simplify my life, our home, our food, my cleaning cabinet and so much more. While I've simplified many, many things by choosing a more natural, green lifestyle, I still have a ways to go. There's so much about life that I want to constantly simplify, but as a female in particular, we grow attachments to things and


that we need certain things when in actuality we really don't. Even when I look at my daughter's toys, I know that in comparison to many others around her age that she doesn't have nearly as many toys but then I even want to simplify the ones she has. And my closet, good grief I could simplify that for days. At the rate I'm going with donating a trash bag of stuff a month, I'll be naked in six months. It just always feels so freeing to get rid of things and to simplify your lifestyle. Even to simplify your diet and your meals not for the sake of losing weight but for your health. The simpler it is, the more real and wholesome it is.


There are several things that I haven't made time for as much lately as I should, in particular my studies towards my certifications. We all get so caught up in our favorite shows, our Facebook feeds and even just the idea of being lazy. Granted I wasn't really lazy prior to pregnancy, so I guess on some level I have an excuse right now; but since my energy is starting to pick up, I really want to make time to do the things that I want to do to better myself, my family and my business. I want to be in the moment and appreciate each fraction of time and not waste it (although naps are wonderful).


For some reason this word keeps popping into my head even though I'm trying to ignore it. I'm very content with my life, but I guess on some levels I always want a little more. Sure I'm ready to have our own home rather than rent; I'm ready for our new baby to be here; I'm always wanting to strive to do more; and I am not always as content with my blog and so forth. In many ways I tend to pressure myself more than I should, as I can imagine many of us do. Perhaps we all just need to step back and be content with who we are, where we are and where we're going. God has that covered anyway -- so I just need to follow.

So if you're stumped on a New Year's resolution and the last thing you want or need to do is start some crazy diet or start running marathons, think of a word or two that can help you get through the year. It's a new year, a new book and a new beginning. Let's all try and write each page of our 2015 books with as much joy, laughter, love and happiness as possible.

What is your New Year's word or resolution?

Make sure to check me out on

eCycle's Best

, as I have kicked off 2015 as their Green Guardian.

 I am so honored and absolutely love the write up they did on me, 

my blog and my shop. Thanks so much eCycle! 

And don't forget to take 15% OFF of your order in my


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code: NEWYEAR15