5 Easy Steps to Decluttering
I don't know about you, but decluttering, purging and basically putting crap in a trash bag to donate is possibly one of my most favorite things to do. Seriously, the less crap in my house the better. Toys, clothes, random kitchen gadgets and basically things that we truly don't need or use, I LOVE to get rid of.
Right before the New Year I did a great house purge, but I won't lie, I'm always left feeling like there is still more to do. Perhaps it's because we live in a small home, or perhaps it's because my inner self is truly a bare minimalist but my outer self just loves a variety of winter booties. Either way, we can ALL benefit from this at some time or another and what's better than for the New Year?
Below are just my easy, go to steps for decluttering and purging the house. Nothing too fancy and strict, just the basics for you to think of and go through.
1. The pantry. Ah the evil and messy pantry. Here's what I do: Throw out everything expired - yes even food. Yup, I do. Throw out seasonings that are expired or hardened from too much humidity (way too much work to sprinkle that out). While you're at it (since it is the New Year and all) shoot for throwing out as much artificial foods as possible. Keep those to none or a minimum.
2. The bathroom. Please, OH PLEASE, get rid of all the "almost" empty bottles of products. Like for real, I hate seeing 20 almost empty lotions, shampoos and so on. I don't even care if you throw away a small dollop. TOSS IT. And samples too...Lord knows if you didn't use it to begin with, then you never will. And organize that mess in the cabinets. Guests don't need to see your collection of products.
3. The closet. UGGGHHH. I have a love and hate relationship with this one. You know the closet capsules where you rely on like 40 pieces of clothing and that's it? Yea, I would LOVE to do this. But I just can't. Truth be told, I love fashion (even though I stay in leggings and flowy tees 90% of the time). So my rule is, every three months or so, I repurge. Typically there are items that I think I may wear again, but if after a few months I haven't, then it goes. Even if you don't fill up a trash bag, just do a little and tell yourself to go back in 3 months and try some more. If your closet is too packed to hang stuff up, then it's time for things to GO.
4. Clutter. Walk through your house with a trash bag and remove stacks of mail and obvious clutter. Old magazines, coloring papers, etc... If you're feeling really adventurous, open up kitchen drawers and tackle the dreaded junk drawers. Remove the crap hanging from your fridge and clear out your kids drawings if they are hanging somewhere. Hold onto the special ones and recycle or toss the rest.
5. Toys. I am a firm believer that less is more in the world of toys. However, I am far from perfect and I am very guilty of being like so many and wanting to my kids to have all the cute, little things that they love. However I am famous for collecting a bag of toys for donation every few months. There is no need for ALL that extra mess. Old toys they receive in Happy Meals, at the movies, at the fairs, etc... These are first to go. Next, hit up the stuffed animals and try to part with them if baby doesn't touch them (these are hard for me because I get sentimental). Then tackle anything broken, anything that you won't replace the batteries on, anything that annoys you and of course anything that they truly don't touch. Go through books and toss torn books and donate duplicate books or baby books that are too simple for your child. Baby toys are also a great starting point for toy purges because older children don't need these items anymore and babies don't need that many. Hold onto wooden blocks, soft toys and wooden trinkets for baby. Do this when your children aren't home, but as they get older involve them. YOU CAN DO THIS! The less kids have, the better they play!
Strive for as much open play and wooden toys as possible. These last longer, are healthier and open play provides greater play for greater imaginations. Go through books and toss torn books and donate baby books or duplicates. Clean out and sort art supplies and toss old, broken markers and colors. Recycle old coloring books.
There is so much more you could do in your home to purge and declutter, but this a great start for the New Year!
I have faith in you, mama. You can do this! It takes just a few hours in the morning and then you are done and have a house with less. LESS IS MORE.
Happy New Year!