Cloth Diapering Essentials
Wearing an old Funky Fluff Brand Diaper Here
Cloth diapering is scary. For a newbie it can be extremely confusing and very intimidating. Today I'm here to break down what you need for cloth diapering and what you really don't need! Every mom has their own essentials, here are mine!
1. Diapers -- Your first essential is a diaper. Research brands, types of systems and try a few to see what works for you! Personally in our home we love Smart Bottoms and Thirsties and an older brand called Funky Fluff. There are so many different styles and systems >>>> read about that here! You need around 18-24 systems for a full stash, but I recommend starting off with just a few diapers and styles to see what you like the most.
2. Cloth Diaper Safe Cream -- Not every diaper rash cream is cloth diaper safe. In fact, most of the ones that you get from big box stores are not safe at all for your baby’s skin. The harsh ingredients can break down the fibers in your diaper and possibly stain them as well. Choose natural options for your diapers which are better all around. We love just mixing up some coconut oil and some Lavender + Tea Tree oil together to make a natural and safe diaper cream.
3. Biodegradable Liners (not essential) -- This is not necessarily an essential. You don't need these, but you will want them! Some people are iffy about dealing with poop, especially in public. Not everyone wants to stick a totally pooped out diaper into a wet bag and bring their child's crap home when they're out and about. A liner is placed between baby's bottom and the diaper. Once baby poops, you simply peel of the liner or shake it off and flush it with the poop into the toilet! That way, don't have to take your kid's crap home! These are also great for times where you don't have a cloth diaper safe rash cream and don’t want to ruin your diaper.
4. Travel Wet Bag -- As mentioned above, you need these when out and about to take home dirty diapers. You also need a large one for at home, or a diaper pail. Just throw the wet bag in the wash with your dirty diapers and waa-laa. If you don’t plan to wear cloth diapers in public, then you don’t need this.
5. Diaper Sprayer (not essential) -- This really is not an essential, especially for exclusively breastfed babies. Babies who are exclusively breastfed have the good kind of poop (like there really is a good kind of poop!). As crazy as it sounds, these diapers can go straight into the wash without any spraying or swishing in the toilet. But once a baby begins to eat solids or formula, you can't do that. All of the baby's bowel movement has to be rinsed off into the toilet and this is where the diaper sprayer is a gold mine. If it isn't in your budget though, you can swish in the toilet by hand like they used to do in the pre-modern cloth days. Sometimes you’re lucky enough that the poop will just roll right off.
6. Pail Liner (or a large wet bag) -- Wet bags can only hold so many diapers, but a trash can with a pail liner can hold 1-3 days worth of dirty diapers. Just grab your pail liner and dump it with the dirty diapers into the wash and waa-laa.
7. Cloth Wipes (not essential but more cost efficient) -- Some people (like myself often times) still use disposable wipes. But this does get tricky because unlike disposable diapers, you can't just roll your wipe in the dirty diaper and toss it. Accidentally washing a wipe with your diapers sucks! It shreds and leaves lots of pieces in there. This is where cloth wipes are excellent. Just toss into wash with your diapers! I like cloth wipes for pee and disposables for poop. Read my cloth wipe solution post here.
8. More Diapers -- Because you can never have enough! There's so many cute prints and there's so many different brands and systems to try. One person's favorite can be another mama's worst diaper! I recommend trying a few brands initially, before investing in your favorite diaper brand.
9. Soakers and Extra Inserts (only if needed or diapering at night) -- These are helpful for heavy wetters and for night time use. Double up your absorbency to avoid leaks! Hemp and Bamboo are awesome for heavy wetters! This is quite often just an extra that you need — maybe 2-3 to have on hand for the times when you know you will need it. As time goes on, you will know if you need to get more. Purchase these if you choose to diaper at night or when you feel the need comes up.
10. Detergent -- Some people will try to sell fancy cloth diaper detergents to you. While you should be cautious of what you use, it turns out that you don't have to treat your diapers soooo delicately. Look for a detergent that is free of bleach, fabric softener and any other additives. We like to use Seventh Generation or Thieves, and many other mamas I know like to use Tide Free and Clear. There are detergents made for cloth diapers and we carry one in store, but research first and see what might work for you!
Remember that cloth diapers are kinda scary at first just because they are so new. But eventually you get the hang of it and realize how cute and fun they can be. As well as providing your family with a huge cost savings!