Why Essential Oils? Why Not?
“It’s the healing hands (along with doctors at times no doubt) that were placed here to help aide us when having faith just wasn’t enough. We can’t see, or taste, or smell or touch faith...but we can do these things with nature. And that’s close enough to God for me. ”
email me at themushymommy@gmail.com for more information on oils or visit our links
Almost three years ago I went to a friend's house to hear about essential oils. I had no clue about them other than that they were something natural and I knew there would be yummy food there and good company. So of course, I went!
I've always been rather natural minded but having my first child made that more of what defines me. Hearing this awesome woman talk about oils and all of the amazing things that they did naturally had me hooked immediately. It was amazing to hear about what these oils were doing for her and her family as well as so many others.
I took all of my information home and shared it with my husband to which he somewhat looked at me like I was a little crazy. He was definitely a skeptic. But since my birthday was about a month away, we agreed that the starter kit would be my birthday present that year.
Three years and two pregnancies have passed. My first pregnancy came almost immediately after purchasing the kit to which I veered on the overly cautious side and didn't really fool much with my oils. After having my baby it took a few months, but I finally started digging back into them and was ready to hit the business side when I was then pregnant again.
I used my oils a bit during my last pregnancy (they support me with my pneumonia) and so did my children of course. But I suppose even when pregnant you still have a wall of caution up, especially in those beginning months. But now that I'm no longer pregnant, it's all the oils, all the time. It's hitting the ground running to build my team and share these amazing, little things with the world. I've known and experienced their amazingness for so long, and now I want to share. And even in my short time of building my team these past few months, I'm already hearing amazing testimonies of what these oils are doing for some when other approaches didn't work.
So why essential oils?
Why not? That's what I want to know.
Why not turn to God's support for us? Why not turn to nature's "medicine"? Why not turn to natural? Don't get me wrong, I am not against modern medicine and totally see and admire the place that it has in our lives - at times. Unfortunately I do believe as a modern society we are too quick to turn to medicine for the little things. Some of us look at oils or natural products or organic food and think of it all as a "fad." But I don't think I've ever seen a fad last quite so long and steadily grow and grow and grow.
People today are beginning to open their eyes. They're beginning to research the ingredients in their products and they are beginning to reach out more for the natural and organic labels. And then there are people who are turning to essential oils, herbs and the like for healing and therapeutic purposes. We are beginning to return to a place of homemade beeswax candles, whole foods and peppermint for colds. We are realizing that God placed these items here for a reason. It's not accident that the trees and plants and flowers and more around us have these amazing properties to help us. It was God's way of providing a healing touch on earth for us when he wasn't able to be here visibly for us.
We needed something to touch, to smell and to see. We needed to know that there was something we could use with our senses, together with our faith, to help us. God knew that. Humans need "things" and seeing is believing, right? That's why I feel essential oils are here for us. It's the helping hands (along with doctors at times no doubt) that were placed here to help aide us when having faith just wasn't enough. We can't see, or taste, or smell or touch faith...but we can do these things with nature. And that's close enough to God to me.
So why not? Why not embark on a natural journey to wellness? Why not try something that others are continually giving their testimonies about? Why not see if essential oils can possibly support us with the things we may need some assistance with? Why not nix the chemicals and the artificial, toxic ingredients and replace them with nature?
So why not? Begin your journey or at least feed your curiosity.
And let's use what God gave us.