A Beautiful Baptism!
Last Sunday we celebrated our sweet, little guy's holy day when he was Baptized. It was such a beautiful day and special day. Our babies have all been baptized in the church we both grew up in and was married in. And our little guy was a champ and never cried or said a peep throughout the whole mass. Love that little dude so much.
Our after gathering was held at my parents and it was such a beautiful day. Decor was simple and from Target and the cake was amazing. I always stick with pastels and white of course for our baptisms and usually go for cute hanging poms and of course newborn baby photos. My go to cake flavor is ALWAYS chocolate cake with butter cream icing and bavarian cream filling. For all of my locals, our go to baker is Rouse's because they are just amazing and so inexpensive! Special thanks to my parents who always help host, decorate and cook for our friends and family.
Here's a small glimpse at our beautiful day. And to top of how special it was, little guy wore his daddy's baptismal suit that his Nana made, his daddy's baptismal pin, my mother's baptismal necklace and special bibs from my mom and sister in law.
Days like this capture the simple and beautiful joys of life and motherhood. Family and friends.
Baby boy and my parents, technically the hosts, chef and decorator, lol
With his Godparents.
If you are local and you are looking for a new church, I just want to tell you how amazing this Godly man is here. Father Josh is exactly what our area needed and there is something about him that is like no other. He's actually singing Adelle to our sweet baby here. He's the most down to earth person but he has a fire for Jesus that is so inspiring. Father Josh is the new priest at Holy Rosary Catholic Church and you NEED to come here him!
Thanks for enjoying this beautiful day with us!