Easy, Fool Proof Ways to Cut Chemicals From Your Life

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Every day we get on the Internet and see new articles revealing the dangers in particular foods, products and cleaners. Every day we can feel more overwhelmed, confused and hurt. It seems as if sometimes there's no right way to go or correct product/brand to use. 

However every day we have the chance to do better, despite the overwhelming headlines. Even when it seems so confusing, we have the option to make small changes that we know are better for us. Science may change their opinions on things like chocolate and red wine over time, but there are just certain things that is basic and easy to follow. There are certain "facts" that have overtime never changed. 

If you want to start cutting some chemicals and toxins out of your life and routine, here are some easy and basic ways to do so! Don't let these changes overwhelm you, make them slowly over time as you can. This isn't all or nothing or even all at once, it's at the pace that works for you!

  1. Pop into the local health food store. Even a small town will typically have a natural food/health store nearby. Stop in for some motivation to browse around and see what sorts of items you can switch out. Healthier cleaners, vitamins, food items and more, deodorant, may be right at your fingertips and you didn't even know it. 
  2. Stop the idea of "all or nothing." I'm a firm believer in that nothing can be perfect. You can eat a day's worth of organic meals and yet still stop by Chic Fil-a for a milkshake after a long day. These things happen and it's okay. Less is more. Having less is better for your health, but it's okay to live life on the edge sometimes. Start with the items you breathe in at home and put on your skin, work on your diet later. 
  3. Read a good book. I recommend "Healthy Child, Healthy World." This book is especially great for mothers, but is still so full of knowledge for us all. Also any good book of "Natural Remedies" is a great tool to have on hand! 
  4. Find a support group. There are typically support groups on Facebook for natural minded mamas or people. I love Baton Rouge Natural Moms, Green Moms Network or you can even navigate some of our information for more tips! 
  5. Filter your water. Make sure your drinking water is filtered somehow. 
  6. Microwave less. This is something that I struggle with too! When you're not in a hurry, take the frozen veggies out of the bag or the can, and cook them on the stove. 
  7. Skip all the Bath and Body Works. Most women have been guilty at some point or another of harboring a basket full of these goodies. Toss them, regift them, recycle them...just get rid of them and their temptation to be used disappears. Search for a handmade soap that consists of basic things like lye or shea butter and essential oils. Use a basic lotion with minimal ingredients that you can pronounce. 
  8. Find a truly plant based cleaner. With Thieves cleaner, you only need ONE cleaner for your whole home. It's truly plant based and it disinfects naturally. While there are other decent plant based cleaners (Honest Co., Seventh Generation) out there, Thieves has always been the one that I trust the most. 
  9. Toss the Tupperware. Invest in some glass Pyrex dishes for storing your leftover food. Plastic tupperware containers contain tons of toxic chemicals (even the BPA free ones) and are very harmful to your health. Even if you don't heat food in them, chemicals still leach into the food (especially if you place warm food in there). 
  10. Toss the fake scents. Candles, air fresheners, plug ins and the like, are some of the most toxic ingredients in the home. They are cancerous, can affect the endocrine system and they can contribute to respiratory issues and things like asthma and allergies. Choose a natural beeswax or soy candle and/or stick with essential oils or homemade potpourri. 
  11. Eat more FRESH food. If your food is grown from the ground, you're doing good. Buy more fresh and less from the box. Choose organic if and when your budget allows. 
  12. Try charcoal soap. A truly good charcoal soap is great for the skin and can be great as a face wash as well! They are also very inexpensive.
  13. Switch deodorants and perfumes. This one is for someone who has already begun their journey and research. Find a good, natural deodorant (this is huge for women's health) and skip perfume in favor of essential oils! 

Trying to ban all chemicals and toxins is nearly impossible. Things will get by, things will be enjoyed and splurged on and you'll learn as you go where you where and what you want to focus on. Just strive for your best and you'll get there. The more you know, the better you can do! 

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