Introducing The Ave Mama Mission: A Project from The Mushy Mom's Fiat
As parents, most of us are rushing through the motions of early mornings, hectic carpools, homework and late night sports. We go through the motions of motherhood hoping that we are crossing off the boxes, literally on our checklists and figuratively in our minds. We don’t want to miss anything or any game; and we want to make sure that our children have everything they need from healthy meals to new cleats.
One thing that I find through conversations with others is that many of us often feel like we let some things slip through the cracks. Even as a stay at home mother who homeschools her children and has more time on average with her children, I can attest to the fact that many things will often fall through the cracks. It’s a part of parenting that I think would be hard to say is non existent for anyone.
Twice within the last year I was asked to speak at our church to different groups of catechism parents - parents that our church felt called to give a gentle nudge to become more involved in their children’s faith journey. Unfortunately they were seeing a lot of dropping off to catechism but not a whole lot of parental involvement.
In the busyness of life, we can start to believe the lie that our children only need to learn their faith at catechism, Sunday school or just at church. As busy parents we may fall victim to the idea that our children only need one hour a week of “faith” to become faithful adults.
While sharing my story with these parents one evening, the Lord put it on my heart to create something that could reach further into the homes of Christians everywhere. In fact, this blog is a continual journey that He is controlling because I once said I would never blog about my faith, yet here we are!
This gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit has led to my newest project, The Ave Mama Mission.
The Mission of Ave Mama is to encourage mothers to fully embrace their role as catechist, homemaker and mother, by providing weekly prompts and tips that will place their faith at the center of the home, while remembering to slow down and enjoy the holy work of motherhood.
What to expect from the ave mama mission?
Prompts, Activities and Prayer Challenges for the family
Posted weekly on social media
Encouragement to slow down and enjoy the holy work of homemaking by sharing recipes, tips and more
Featuring other Christian mamas who share what works for their family
Spotlight on Christian shops and products that can help your family in their walk to eternity
(Eventually) Retreats and More!
This is a beautiful study of The Beatitudes from Into the Deep that you can do weekly with your family.
The Ave Mama Mission is a project to encourage mothers (and fathers too) to really take the lead in leading their family to Christ; as well as finding joy in the slowness and mundane days of motherhood. Join me every Monday on social media to discover a new prompt, a new challenge or a new adventure to tackle with the kids that week. Perhaps you’ll see a great breakdown of scripture to walk through with your children or ways to celebrate Advent by keeping the focus where it belongs. There will be weeks to celebrate certain feast days and weeks for fun prayer challenges for the whole family!
To be honest, I realized as God put this on my heart that it would also be beneficial for us as well. It will challenge me in many ways to go deeper into the word with my children and challenge myself to dig deeper with information to share with you.
While the focus is on Him, some Mondays the prompts may be something that is related more to the joys of homemaking. Perhaps I’ll share a new recipe, a homesteading tip or homemaking ideas, all while keeping the focus on Him through the holy work of motherhood and homemaking. My purpose here has always been to gently encourage mothers to enjoy the slow and steady, and that doesn’t change. Another great feature is guest features from other beautiful Christian influencers.
I truly hope this project will bless someone, somewhere. Sometimes in order to grow deeper in our walks to eternity or to find joy in the mundane tasks of homemaking, we just need a fresh perspective and a new lenses to see the holy tasks set before us. I want this to be fun and creative for your family to dig deeper into His word and to grow closer to our Lord.
I hope this project blesses you and your family!