Baby's First Christmas Craft

So I am guilty of stealing this adorable idea from a friend of mine on Facebook. She used a white plate though (which is a really cute and less space consuming idea) but I knew better than to attempt this on a plate. Little Miss Squirmy pants wasn't too cooperative with this project. I purchased a 3 pack of these white canvases for around $4.50 at Wal-Mart and boy am I glad there was three in the pack. 

This final one was actually the second attempt that we did and it turned out to be the best feet print out of all three tries. I'm kinda bummed that I wasted the other two canvases and that I also ruined a pair of Little Bug's pants in the process (not a smart move to keep her clothes on), but I am pretty pleased with the outcome. 

The rest of the supplies was just some bottles of acrylic paint from Wal-Mart, some black sponge painters to create the dots, a few paint brushes and a black paint pen (all from WM). I'd said the whole project cost us around $12-15 and although it was a little messy for us, it was still so much fun. 

I look so forward to doing many crafts with this sweet baby of mine in the future. This is only the beginning!

But I did learn two things:

1) Always take her clothes off when messing with paint

2) Never underestimate the strength of a seven month old when you're trying to keep her feet still. 

I know that in about ten years I'll truly cherish these sweet Mistletoes and I'll miss kissing them, smelling them, blowing raspberries on them and playing This Little Piggy with them. I love my baby's cheesy toes!

Are you a crafty person? If you're not, I promise that you CAN do this. Take the time to be intentional and do something with your kiddos. Make a craft, make a card or make a snowman!

Thanks for reading, Sasha