Yarn Owl Hat Giveaway and Newborn Photo Tips!
One of the first things that a new mama will plan out after arriving at home with her new baby is newborn photos. Newborn photo sessions are quite the craze these days as there are many photographers who specialize in posing them, dressing them and so on.
I searched practically my whole pregnancy for a yarn set to use as a prop for my baby's newborn sessions (as well as tutus and so much more). There are numerous options out there for photo props and accessories and today I am going to share (and giveaway) some adorable yarn pieces. I adore yarn accessories for babies because they are just so darn sweet. You can make your baby a caterpillar, a piggy, an owl or even an ice cream cone. We chose an adorable aviator hat for my daughter since my husband is a pilot. I hope to use it on another girl someday (although silly me should have gotten a gender neutral color for all of my kids).
Here are some tips of mine for a successful newborn photo session:
- Have an idea of a photographer beforehand. Don't wait until your baby is born to start looking at photographers because chances are, you won't have a lot of time on your hands.
- Have props beforehand. While some photographers are equipped with a whole secret chest of baby accessories and props, if have something particular that you want make sure to order it before your baby arrives. Most items are handmade and take a bit of time to come in, so you want to have them ready when baby comes.
- Shoot for the first two weeks. Babies are great "picture takers" at two weeks old. They sleep so much that you don't have to worry about them being too fussy yet.
- Have an experienced photographer. Many of the newborn photos you see these days have your baby in a cute little position, but these positions take practice and experienced photographers. You don't want to harm your baby just because you wanted a cute photo.
- Be patient. There's a good chance that between what could be a fussy baby, a baby refusing to nap, a baby needing to eat and a baby constantly pooping that you'll feel like you didn't get any good pictures. Chances are you probably got some amazing shots!
- Know that it takes awhile. There's a good chance that what you thought would take an hour, may take almost four hours. This is because of the points listed above...
- Don't make baby work too hard. Give baby breaks so they are not overwhelmed. Feed them and nurse them as you should, go inside if you've been outside to let them cool off and keep them warm if they've been chilling in a diaper the whole time.
- Tip your photographer. Unless you're paying out the wazoo already, tip your photographer a little bit because newborn sessions are a LOT of work.
- Jump in the photo. Ask for candid shots of you, your husband and other children interacting with baby whether it is rocking, feeding, nursing or even still shots.
Today I am introducing an adorable Etsy shop,
, where you can find all sorts of adorable yarn pieces for your baby. These pieces are made of the softest yarn and are handmade by the shop's owner, Amber, and her mother. These items are made with love in a clean, smoke free home and are handmade just for you. The owners will work with you to have your item in on time for your photo session and you can order most of these in sizes newborn through five years old.
Now let's
at some adorable babies! Here are some of my favorite Tamberee items...
And just for you today, you can win this adorable
Owl hat pictured below from Tamberee.
Actual retail value is $23.00
(Oh yea, did I mention they have amazing prices)
Make sure to visit Tamberee on
And yes, now my ovaries are aching for another baby
after seeing these adorable photos...
Are yours?
Thanks for reading and for supporting small businesses, Sasha