The Cloth Wipe Adventure
When I first started cloth diapering, one of the first questions that I had was about the wipes. Every mama I know tucks the dirty, disposable wipe into the dirty, disposable diaper and tosses it in the trash that way. With cloth diapers you can't just stick a regular ole disposable wipe in there because obviously you can't run those through your washer machine with the diapers.
On a side note, they shred to pieces when you forget they are in your wetbag and you wash them. Sigh.
I found out about cloth wipes when I started cloth diapering, but since I felt like cloth diapers was such a big leap, I was too scared to attempt the wipes. Well here I am several months later on a stormy day with no wipes. We use The Honest Company wipes which are non toxic and eco friendly. I LOVE them and prefer them over any brand out there; but I am not due to receive my new wipes for another week (I used a lot this month while traveling).
So what's a mama to do when she has nothing to wipe baby's bum with?
She gets a stash of old receiving blankets, a spray bottle of water and some cloth wipes to whip up some cloth wipes and cloth wipe solution.
Here is my plan:
- We have a TON of those unattractive hospital receiving blankets so why not use those. I also added one cute, girly blanket for some cute wipes. But I'm saving our other "pretty" receiving blankets for future babies (and probably future babies' bums as well).
-I'm cutting them into 8x8 size squares.
-I'm not sewing any edges right now (perhaps I can convince my mom to later).
-I'm mixing water with about 1/2 tsp coconut oil to create a wipe solution to spray on the wipes.
-I intend on keeping these new wipes in my wipe warmer just like our old ones.
-I plan on still using disposables out and about, but if this works well then who knows.
I have a feeling this isn't going to be that big of a change, but I do plan on always having disposables nearby. This will definitely keep me from having to have little plastic baggies with dirty wipes piling up in them and it obviously saves me money.
I can't wait to share our wipes at a later date and to tell you all about them. Okay, now I'm off to cut up some blankets for a cute little hiney.
Do you use cloth wipes?
What's your cloth wipes solution made of?
Thanks for reading, Sasha