A Look Into the Products I Use on a Daily Basis
Lately I've been getting a lot of questions about what products I use for myself and around my home. I figured I'd nip that in the butt with a post to cover it all. Please note that I'm still learning and have room to grow on this list, especially in our food department.
Enjoy and ask me any more questions that you think of!
To disinfect?
I use one spray bottle of vinegar and one spray bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Spray one on top of the other and wipe with a damp cloth. This non toxic disinfectant is just as strong as ANY on the market and cost pennies to make.
For an all purpose cleaner?
One spray bottle of water with several drops of tea tree oil or
. I also still use some of the 10 in 1 from
In my kitchen?
I currently am using some leftover products from
. Currently our dish detergent is the pear one from Earth Friendly Products and I've been wiping down our counters and table with their Parsley Plus cleaner. For the dishwasher I use The Honest Company detergent pods. We also use
(when I think about it).
In my bathroom?
I currently use The Honest Company toilet bowl cleaner, bathroom cleaner and some baking soda. I also use my disinfectant as well.
To mop?
I use a microfiber mop with a sink full of hot water, 1 cup vinegar and several drops of lemon essential oil.
Laundry detergent?
Charlie's Soap for all of our laundry needs and The Honest Company dryer sheets for the occasional fabric softener.
For my face?
I currently wash my face with soap and water. Our facial soap is the charcoal bar from
. For moisturizer I have gone between The Honest Company,
and Coconut Oil.
I use the cleansing grains from 3 Girls Holistic. They are amazing!
Jason brand from Whole Foods, however a recent second look at the ingredients list has me wanting a new brand as their list includes
For my hair?
I use the shampoo and conditioner from The Honest Company (this is a recent switch). Prior to that I used the Organix brand from Wal Mart (not the worse, but not the best as far as ingredients go). I also use
; and for my hair spray I use the Herbal Essences Paraben free one (hairspray is hard to find alternatives).
For the bath?
and their bar soap in Tangerine Vanilla. I also use whatever handmade, non toxic soaps I have on hand from companies.
Currently using a bottle from Arbonne and I love The Honest Company as well.
Shaving cream and toothpaste?
Still in transition/research mode (although I've just been using my soap for shaving).
Okay so my makeup is currently in transition phase. Since I don't like waste, I didn't just throw out everything that I owned (however most of it is so old that I probably should). But here is what I use that is a natural or a "better for you" type of brand. However, I plan to eventually change to a line called
Organic mascara by Physician's Formula
Base, Powder and Concealer?
Physician's Formula Talc Free mineral powder and the Organics Base when needed. I also have my own handmade powder that I use frequently.
Bath time and Skin Care?
The Honest Company!
Diaper Rash Cream?
We love Grandma El's, Coconut Oil and
We cloth diaper and use
Cloth Wipe Solution?
Water, a tsp of coconut oil, two drops of lavender essential oil and two drops of tea tree oil.
Currently Babyganics but I intend on switching to The Honest Company.
Where do you shop?
Now I shop pretty exclusively at Target. I also love the farmer's market but don't make it out there often enough. Once a month I receive the
full of the products we use. However, Target is now carrying many Honest Company products!
Our produce staples (purchased weekly)?
Blueberries, Strawberries, Bananas, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Zucchini, Squash, Red + Green Bell Peppers, Avocado, Kiwi, Cucumbers (lately), typically Apples too (most of this is all purchased as organic).
Snack Time?
Wellllll this is where my crunchiness struggles.
I try to do fruits (fruit salad rocks), but often times I really want something sweet. Lately I have been baking my own cookies since I know what goes in them and there aren't any preservatives aside from what's in my chocolate chips and butter depending on which butter I have on hand at the moment. I also like chips and salsa and cheddar cheese with pickles and olives.
What do you cook?
I try to cook as much from the earth as I can and love when our dinners are just lean meats, potatoes and vegetables. However that is totally not always the case. We're southern AND I still want to live my life and taste good food. I use premade pasta sauces, pastas, breads and so forth. However thanks to Target, most all of that is now organic which makes it non GMO and so forth.
The milk?
Typically the Horizon organic brand although this week we are trying Simply Balanced Organic from Target.
The meat?
I don't eat beef so we usually use chicken with no hormones and on a grass fed diet. We also do ground turkey and pork. Aside from my chicken, I don't go overboard with my meat yet. Organic meat is where you typically see a good price hike in food and I'm just not there for taking that plunge yet. I wish I could have more local meat!
Baby staples?
If it isn't food that I made for my baby or fresh produce, we like Stonyfield's Organic Yogurts, Ella's Kitchen organic puffits, organic food pouches (especially by Plum and Ella's Kitchen) and water or organic whole milk (no juice).
And she's still on breast milk as well.
Some ways in which I live green is by recycling, air drying clothes frequently, cloth diapering, using reusable shopping totes, using glass food storage containers, purchasing more wooden toys for my child, leaving the lights off
I hope this list has answered some of your questions. For some crunchy mamas this list may not be crunchy enough, but this is what works for us for now. We are still learning along the way and we are always making changes!
Thanks for reading, Sasha