Be Informed About Toxic Lice Treatments This School Year
Does everyone remember those head lice checks you always had to do in school? Luckily, I managed to pass the regular checks that our teachers did. Now as a parent, I am so happy to feature this article
School Nurse Products because it sheds the light on just how toxic lice treatments are. While this article may get "sciencey" on you, I promise that you'll be amazed at just how toxic these common lice treatments are. Make sure to share this with your fellow parents, schools and teachers as the facts are quite shocking.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that anywhere between 6 million and 12 million kids are infested each year in the
with head lice.
No one likes the idea of head lice and the mention of head lice has us all scratching our heads. But don’t run to the nearest store to buy just any lice-killing shampoo or medication. Lice shampoos typically contain toxic ingredients and chemicals that may cause your child harm.
Marketers of these lice killing products may describe these products as safe but one study into insecticidal shampoos concluded that they may increase the risk of childhood leukemia.
These products can be toxic or carcinogenic to your child, and may even be losing their effectiveness – this is because lice appear to have gradually become resistant to some of the chemicals found in these head lice killing products.
It’s scary to think that toxic chemicals are being used on the sensitive heads of our youth. Children are more susceptible to the dangers of head lice pesticides because the scalp has many blood vessels that are close to the skin, making it easy for toxic substances to be absorbed directly into the blood stream. Excessive scratching of the scalp is usually one of the first signs of having head lice and this scratching results in breaking the skin allowing toxic chemicals to be absorbed. To make matters worse, children have a less mature immune system to protect them.
The Danger of Lindane
It can be confusing to know what to buy when your child comes home with head lice. The FDA still endorses using Lindane (in Kwell) which is now banned by the EPA to use agriculturally. So it’s no wonder, with the FDA’s endorsement, parents continue to buy Lindane (in Kwell). Parents need to be aware of the fact that Lindane is banned in 18 foreign countries and The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend its use. The National Pediculosis Association, Inc. says that,
“Lindane is a nerve poison that also causes cancer so why are we prescribing it for our children?”
Their database has over 500 adverse event reports related to the use of lindane which include seizures, behavioral changes, attention deficit disorders, cancer, skin disease and even death.
Other Common Ingredients And The Reactions Associated With Them
Pryrethrins and pyrethrums (found in Rid, Nix, Pronto, and possibly other lice treatments) are pesticides made from flowers. Products made from a member in this family of pesticides are likely to precipitate allergic reactions. In
Designer Poisons,
Marion Moses, MD suggests that
these types of pesticides attack the brain and nervous system.
Permethrin is a neurotoxin, a carcinogen (as stated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), and can cause tremors, increased aggressive behavior, learning difficulties, irritation of the skin and eyes, swelling and rashes, numbness, fluid in the lungs, and even infertility.
Malathion is an organophosphate insecticide and its use has produced side effects such as intestinal disorders, leukemia, kidney damage, birth defects, brain damage, weakening of the immune system, lung damage and many others. Just inhaling this chemical can result in severe reactions.
The ingredient, Acetone, can cause wheezing, congestion, headache, fatigue, hyperactivity, confusion, dizziness and eye, throat and nose irritation, liver, kidney and skin damage and birth defects. The EPA considers it a hazardous waste.
Both Benzyl Alcohol and Isopropyl Alcohol can be flammable and cause allergies, intestinal damage and vomiting. They have also been found to irritate the nose, throat and lungs, dull the nervous system and can cause death in severe cases due to respiratory failure.
Piperonyl Butoxide, is an active ingredient in many of the pyrethrin pesticide family head lice products. Two recent reports in open literature show that it causes cancer and birth defects in rats.
ANY PRODUCT which contains this ingredient, should never be recommended for use in children.
School Nurse Products
currently sells 3 products:
“SCHOOL NURSE Remedy for Lice”
uses biodegradable, natural, organic materials that destroys the protective exoskeleton which head lice need in order to survive. Because we are not using chemicals or pesticides in our product to get rid of head lice they can never build up a “resistance” to this product. This product also loosens the “glue” that keeps the nits cemented to the hair shaft so you can easily comb the nits out. We are selling “
School Nurse Lice Comb”
that has been lab tested to be 100% effective and there’s nothing better than 100% effective. We are also selling “
School Nurse Lice Repellent and Hair Conditioning Spray”
repels lice due to the safe ingredients in the product. This product can be used after each shampoo and it doesn’t stop working until you wash it out. It can also be used to “wet-comb” out nits. Read more about this and more about our products on the website:
Don’t wait till your child comes home with head lice, buy our products now and be prepared to treat your family safely if and when you need to treat them for head lice. Our products are currently being sold on our website:
How many readers have had to deal with the dreaded lice issue?
Thanks so much for reading! Sasha
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