The Guy Who Loves the Belly

I've often read and heard that many women felt the prettiest while being pregnant. They felt like a "woman" and they didn't mind any extra weight or swelling that was going on. It's all part of nature and it's a process that is absolutely beautiful. 

I'm definitely one that feels that way, but what makes things even better is seeing my husband's reaction to my ever expanding belly. I love catching how he stares at me with this little smile; sometimes it's a smile that leads to a big belly joke and other times it's just a simple look of admiration. The smallest comment from him, such as "you're so cute" can make my day. All of a sudden those words have even more meaning than before. It means that he really sees the beauty in this process and happens to adore it just as much as me. 

There are days where suddenly the thought of wearing high heels is repulsive and there are more bad hair days than ever imaginable, but now those things don't matter so much. Being pregnant is enough of a beautiful fashion statement that you don't really need an expensive hairstyle or a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes. You really just need that bump and your glow. 

But what really makes it all the more beautiful is to have that guy. That guy that makes your world go round; makes you feel like a Princess; and makes every stretch mark and pound of extra weight feel absolutely beautiful. It's the guy that adores the ever expanding belly. The one who used to have to kiss me hello and then pet the dog (sometimes the dog before me) but now also has to rub the belly. He's that guy. 

Hubby and I recently at a wedding...and me with a bad hair day. 

Do you or did you feel beautiful during 
your pregnancy?