Foto Friday: Thanksgiving Recap
Okay so I know that Thanksgiving was like foreverrr ago; BUT here are the few pictures that I have from that day. As you can tell in one photo, my Little Bug was not very impressed with Turkey Day. She decided to be in her "I don't want anyone I don't know around me" mood which resulted in fussiness, crying and lots of clinging to mommy. She was also teething pretty dang bad too.
We took Christmas pictures for Christmas cards at my inlaws which explains the Christmas attire. She also wore her yellow dress to my grandparents but I forgot to snap any photos! She later changed into this Turkey outfit and I was lucky to get some smiles from her. Oh this poor child. She's so used to just being at home with me and just doesn't always do well with a ton of others around where there is lots of noise. I sure hope Christmas goes better!
I can't wait to share photos of her in her outfit she wore with Santa. It's seriously the cutest thing ever!!
Happy Foto Friday! Linkup and share your recent photos to highlight your life...
Happy Friday, Sasha