Baby Registry Checklist

Baby Registry Checklist

Creating a baby registry is quite fun when you're a first time expecting mama. There's so much cute stuff out there for little ones, but truth be told, you don't always need everything you see. Here's a baby registry checklist created by me, so this is just my opinion of what is useful, essential and fun to have.

The Newborn Essentials

  • Swaddlers. Generally newborns prefer to be swaddled in the beginning weeks (even months). Make sure to register for some velcro swaddlers that make swaddling a breeze! 
  • Receiving Blankets. You don't need twenty of them, but you do need a handful of them. These blankets are the perfect size and material for little ones. It is nice to have one in the diaper bag, car, living room and more. We have excellent ones available in our store
  • Pacifiers. Most babies take a pacifier to help soothe them and keep the fussies at bay. If you're a breastfeeding mama, make sure to choose one that is shaped like a mother's nipple to avoid nipple confusion
  • Diapers and Wipes. Well duh, right? Read up on disposables and the different brands that are available. While it may seem like Pampers and Huggies are the way to go, in fact, they are tainted with chemicals. Consider natural brands such as The Honest Company or better yet, consider giving modern cloth diapering a try. Find cloth diapers in our store! 
  • Onesies. Really and truly, your baby doesn't need fashionable clothes during those first few weeks. A few cute items would be nice, but otherwise you should stick to onesies and sleep gowns. Between diaper blowouts, feeding messes and spit up, you'll be changing them a lot. 
  • Socks. Babies want to be warm and socks help keep them nice and toasty. 
  • Burp rags. These are much more essential than say bibs (for breastfeeding babies anyway). If you are nursing your little one, you won't even need bibs for awhile. We have the cutest prints available online
  • Bottles if formula feeding. If you are choosing to breastfeed, you don't need any bottles on hand. Having one should be sufficient to help you if baby is choosing not to nurse and hungry. You can invest in bottles later. 
  • Bath Essentials. From soft washcloths to a baby tub and bath wash, you need a safe place to bathe baby. If you don't feel like storing a baby tub, there are numerous options available that will collapse and fold away or are compatible with your kitchen sink. We have safe and natural products available in our boutique
  • Safe Place to Sleep. Whether you want them to sleep in a pack n play, a bassinet, your bed, or even their own crib, make sure to have a game plan and include that item on your registry. Pack n plays are nice for traveling and nap time. 
  • Spare Sheets. A good number of sheets to invest in is 3-4. Try and choose organic if you can, at least for the bassinet if possible. Non organic sheets are full of synthetic fibers and nasty chemicals that are too harsh for baby's delicate skin. 
  • A Place for Baby. Whether it is a swing, a bouncer, or just a rock n play, having a place to put baby down during awake time is great for freeing mama's arms up for a little while. Don't feel like you have to have it ALL. Some babies don't like those things and some love them. 
  • Car Seat. This is a MUST because you have to be able to bring home baby from the hospital. Read reviews and select a safe, new car seat for your child. For convenience, try going with a travel system that comes with a car seat and compatible stroller. 
  • Baby Sling, Wrap or Carrier. While this is not actually an essential, I'd like to think of it as just that. Babies want to be close to mama and daddy, and this allows just that while also providing mama and daddy the ability to get things done around the house or to even grocery shop. 
  • Nursing Pillow (Boppy). Whether or not you plan to nurse, these pillows are just wonderful for little newborns.

The Essentials That You Will Need


  • Health Products. From the thermometer to the nasal aspirator and the humidifier to the manicure kit, you will need all of these things at one point or another. You can even consider adding medicines to your registry. Check our store out for some of these
  • Stroller. Other than a stroller to match your car seat, you really only need one light weight stroller. Having too many strollers is typically a waste of money and space (unless you are a runner and will actually use the jogging stroller). 
  • Highchair. They now make highchairs that strap into regular chairs to avoid large highchairs taking up too much space. 
  • Feeding Essentials. Bowls, cups, plates, utensils and bibs are great to add for later on during the toddler stages. Even baby food makers are a big hit these days on registries. We have the popular RePlay brand in stock now! 
  • Safety Items. Don't go overboard on these items because things change around your home. That table with the sharp corners may go up into the attic six months from now. 

The Extras for Later (that you really don't need)

  • Crib Bedding. Your newborn really doesn't need fancy bedding, but of course most new moms are super excited about putting together baby's nursery. Try and register for bedding that will take them through their toddler years (no bumpers).
  • Jumper. Walkers are not really considered to be "safe" by pediatric standards, so consider adding a jumper of some sort. 
  • Floor Gym. These is not essential, but tummy time is. Tummy time can be done on a simple blanket with toys, however having something nice to stare at is fun for a baby. In our case, it wasn't something she was fan of. 

The Really Cool Stuff to Have

  • Pacifier Pods. These handy things help keep your baby's pacifiers clean and away from your keys and cell phone in your purse or diaper bag. Make sure to add this to your baby registry checklist. 
  • Pacifier Wipes. Natural cleaning for a dirty pacifier that hit the floor. 
  • Disposable Changing Pads. They make throw away pads that are great for when you have to lay the pads down on surfaces that you may not trust or for if baby makes a mess. 
  • Pacifier Strap. Helps keep babies pacifier from falling!
  • Bottle Cooler. Helps you transport breast milk, homemade baby food and bottles easily and while keeping them cool. 
  • Breastfeeding Essentials. If you are determined to give breastfeeding a very good try, consider adding essentials that you need such as a nursing cover, nursing pads, milk storage, pump, etc... (also make sure to read a breastfeeding guide before baby comes). Check our store out for lots of items! 
  • Car Mirror. It is nice to be able to see baby in the back seat. 

The Stuff You Really Don't Need

  • Too Many Strollers.
  • A Diaper Pail. Unless you plan on cloth diapering, most disposable diapering mamas say diaper pails are a waste of space (and are messy). 
  • A Changing Pad. Don't feel like you have to have a glamorous changing station (although it is nice to have). You can easily change baby on the floor. 
  • Clothes. You'll get a crap load of clothes, I assure you. 
  • Toys. You don't need toys until much later. Rather than have shower guests spend money on toys, fill your registry with the stuff you need. 
  • Wipe Warmer. While it is nice to have, you don't need it. 
  • Too Much of Something. You don't need a ton of big blankets, a ton of bibs or wash cloths. If you receive a good bit of wash cloths, save some for later. 
  • Dishwasher Baskets. Do people still use bottle dishwasher baskets? Perhaps, but you can also wash them right in your sink and layout to dry. 
  • Bottle Sterilizers. Now they make convenient sterilizing bags for the microwave or you can just sterilize over the stove.  
  • Bottle Warmers. A cup of hot water will warm up a bottle in just a few minutes. 
  • Knick Knacks. Unless you have nothing to cutesy up baby's nursery, then don't go overboard on decor items. You're bound to receive a few frames, books and dollies. 
  • Cap and Mittens. Your hospital normally will give you a warm newborn cap and someone is bound to give you newborn mittens. Register for one, organic pair if you feel the need to. 

I hope you find this baby registry checklist to be helpful. Some key things to remember about your baby registry is to have a wide range in terms of prices. Have some larger priced items for family members to purchase together, but also have lots of less expensive items for people to choose from. Consider registering in the store versus online since many online items are not available in the store (huge factor with Babies R Us and Target). Always strive for having at least one brick and mortar registry (meaning guests have a real store to go to) because not all people are computer savvy. I highly doubt great grandma Sue is going to order from your Amazon registry.

But then again...maybe so. 

Please share this comprehensive baby registry checklist with your expecting mamas. Registering is a fun task but can be extremely overwhelming. 

What is your registry must have?

Thanks for reading and sharing, Sasha