My First Bump Update!

*two weeks ago

How far along? 

12 weeks, 6 days

Baby Size: 

A Lime

Total weight gain: 

Let's go with 2-3lbs because I'm really not sure.

Maternity clothes?

 LOL, yes, pretty much since day 1. 

At least for pants it was just much 

more comfortable. 

Stretch marks?

 None yet (from this baby) 

And sadly I've yet to rub ANY lotion/butter on my belly. #thestruggleisreal


I don't believe I have had a full night of sleep since around week 5

of pregnancy. Which really sucks because my toddler FINALLY started sleeping through the night

around the time I got pregnant; but then quickly I started having to pee and would wake

with extreme nausea. 

Best moment this week:

Despite throwing up, I chowed down on Thanksgiving day! 

Miss Anything? 

Being able to sleep, keeping food down and so on.


 At this point, no.

Food cravings:

 Spicy food, pizza, fried food for the 


Anything making you queasy or sick:

My husband's cooking for his weight gain diet was making me

sick. Thankfully he hasn't been doing that anymore. 




 Tired as all get out and sicker than a college kid after a night out. 

What's different this go around?

More nausea at night that I don't remember with my

first and I seem to be much more tired this time. 

Belly Button in or out?

Almost out already, which is crazy! 

Wedding rings on or off?



Tired and at this point stressed as we were moving into a new house this week!

Looking forward to: 

Settling into our new home, finding out gender and gaining some energy! 

While things haven't been easy this go around, I still love the site of a pregnancy belly. And really what am I saying, things weren't too easy the first go around but I guess when you're hit with all of the throwing up


you're kinda over the

"I have morning sickness glow."

A bare pregnant belly is one of the most beautiful things to me. It's so amazing what the body does (throw up and all). As the holidays are here and I get to do fun things with my Little Bug and plan for Santa's arrival, I realize that next year will be even more fun. The thought of two little babies under three sounds somewhat chaotic but is so picture perfect in my mind. If I had easier pregnancies, I'd get knocked up again right away just to have a bunch of babies close in age (but we'll wait a bit...I think). 

I'll say it forever and ever no matter how sick I am, I simply love being pregnant. And despite some sickness, I'm blessed to have healthy pregnancies when others out there have a much harder struggle than I do. 

I absolutely can't wait to meet this new, sweet baby of mine! I love it so much already and just want to squeeze it and snuggle with it (full term of course, full term).