Weekly Update: 38.5 Weeks and I'm Still Pregnant

How far along? 

38 weeks, 4 days

Baby Size: 

The size of an average baby! Like hello...there's a real person in there. 

Total weight gain:

Ugh...37 lbs...that's seven more than I gained with my first. 

Maternity clothes?

 Barely fit me anymore. 

Stretch marks?

I don't believe so, but they can always sneak up on me! 


I pee a lot. A LOT.

Best moment this week:

Thinking I was in labor for the millionth time only to have it all stop.

Miss Anything?

Let's see...energy, the ability to walk without feeling like I'm going to go into labor, 

sleep without waking to pee, etc...


 Yep! I keep thinking one of these days she'll chill a bit and make her way down and out. 

But I guess she's too comfortable in there! :)

Food cravings:

 Sandwiches, ice cream and milkshakes. 

Anything making you queasy or sick:

Only when hubby cooks his weekly asparagus dish! 

I gag every time. 


Sweet little girl!!!! 


 Ha, let's just say everyday it feels like my labor is starting. 

What's different this go around? 

I am much more uncomfortable right now than I was at the end for Little Bug. 

I am also now pregnant a day longer than I was for her -- so that's new. And while I had a short spell or two of false labor for Little Bug, I never had the hours and hours of false (prodromal) labor that I keep having with this one. 


3 WHOLE CENTIMETERS. YAY! And I am 75% effaced (thin). 

Belly Button in or out?

What belly button?

Wedding rings on or off?



Always happy to be pregnant but more than ready to have a baby!


Is done and organized. Clothes are washed and put away and bags are packed! 

All that is still missing is her mobile; I'll get it one day. We were extremely blessed two weeks ago

to be given a surprise sprinkle for our sweet girl. She is so loved already and we received 

some beautiful and wonderful goodies to stock and decorate her nursery with. 

Thank you ALL Again! XO. 

Looking forward to: 

Um, having a baby. 

Yes, I'm looking extremely forward to that.

I'll never, ever use the term "miserable," because pregnancy is anything far from miserable. 

I am too blessed and happy to be carrying this little girl around, that the term miserable just doesn't fit. 

I will say that I am uncomfortable and


, I'm ready to have a baby. I know as soon as I have her, I'll miss her in there within a few weeks, but I am ready. 

I'm ready to meet this little girl and to see her here, whole and healthy. I'm ready to try and achieve our birth plan and hope for the best. I'm ready for skin to skin and breastfeeding like you wouldn't believe and I'm so ready for the snuggles. I'm ready to see Little Bug's reaction to her new sister and even ready (and somewhat scared and anxious) to life with two tiny, little ones. 

Everyday it feels like "today could be the day." If you would have asked my six weeks ago if I thought I'd still be pregnant at nearly 39 weeks, I would have said "nope." I just thought for sure this chick was coming out before her sister did, but that goes to show you that it's all about when they are ready. You can't predict anything! 

All you can do is sit there for days and dream of the very moment you can hold your new baby in your arms. Of course, I'll probably be timing some more false contractions while I sit there and dream, but you get the picture. 

See you soon my sweet Little Fox! 

Mommy and Daddy and sister are more than ready to meet you...