Parenting Scripturally in a Confused World

Parenting Scripturally

“What’s the one thing that you want for your children?”

If I asked you this, what’s your response to that question? If you would have asked me this a few years ago, I would have replied with something along the lines of hoping to raise compassionate, kind, respectful people who go do good in this world. Sounds like a pretty good answer to me, right? Truth be told, we will all have different answers to this question and that is totally okay!

But let’s reevaluate this from a different viewpoint. What’s the one thing that I want for my children now? What’s my answer as someone who has grown in faith and understanding a tad and sees things from a different angle? That’s simple…to get my children to heaven. Shocking I know, that I would say “to get my children to heaven” when we know that there’s absolutely no way that I can control the thoughts and actions of my children now or in the future. There’s no way to guarantee any place, for any person, in the kingdom of heaven. But that is my answer.

As a spouse we are a bridge for one another to help get our partner into heaven and as a parent the same rule of thought applies. I am a bridge to heaven for my children - a bridge that will show them the love and compassion of Jesus Christ; the mercy of God our father and the words of scripture of which we are meant to live by.

We live in a world now where Christians are sitting lukewarm. Christians are being silenced, blocked or censored simply for standing up for truth. Sometimes as Christians we are putting the feelings of others, or society, above the salvation of our families. Meaning? We are changing our personal morals, values and words of which to live by, to simply appease others. Conservatives are being silenced; agendas are being pushed and if you disagree at all with a liberal opinion, then obviously you don’t love and respect all people.

But let’s step back for a second and remember that love and truth can be two completely separate things. We are called to love our neighbors. We are called to love everyone like Jesus Christ and recognize that everyone is indeed the body of Christ, no exceptions. The politicians that we disagree with are the body of Christ. The family down the street that we disagree with is the body of Christ. The organizations and groups of people with various lifestyles and beliefs are ALL the body of Christ. We are called to love them and show the utmost kindness, period. That is something I pray we can all do more of.

However, there is a difference from showing kindness and seeking truth. By loving others and showing kindness we are living as God calls us to but we ALSO have to live by truth. Teaching my children the ways of the Lord and living scripturally is exactly what God called me to do as their mother. It’s what he called us all to do and in today’s time, we are getting so caught up in our feelings that we are disregarding the truth of God’s word. We are disregarding the one responsibility we have as parents: to get our children into heaven by knowing God the father and seeking to live a life worthy of eternal salvation.

But here’s the kicker: our children will mess up. WE will mess up. Our children will sin and WE will sin. Nothing in this world is guaranteed and no matter how we life our life, each and every one of us, at the end of the day truly have no idea who God will call into his kingdom of heaven.

So while my spot up there isn’t guarnteed and while my children will fall and slip up more times than I can count, I know that by seeking to live a life of truth, I am at least following the one true job I have here in this temporary home. I am taking the first steps to help my children have eternal rest in their father’s arms. By going against this new modern culture and pushing back to demand what’s clearly written as a truth for my children and my home, means that I am simply doing my part. If you feel your part is different, then that’s okay too.

But it’s time as Christians to recognize that living in the word doesn’t make us wrong. Disagreeing with others doesn’t mean hatred. Choosing a different culture norm over another doesn’t make us righteous or holier than thou. It simply makes us a parent. It makes us a parent seeking truth for our families, and hopefully loving like Jesus along the way. It’s not a cause to be silenced or censored. God is the way, the truth and the life - seeking His approval and only His approval is what I feel called to do at this point in my life as a parent. I do not wish to seek the approval of others or society and as Christians we should rise up to seek the approval of God and only him. When we lay down our beliefs for others, what exactly are we leaving for future generations?

Seek truth and remember that God called you to do one thing. Don’t let someone else’s agenda stop you. Stand up for truth and live for the Lord, and love everyone like Jesus does along the way. We can stand for truth and still love ALL people, no matter if we are seeking something a little different. Let’s not parent lukewarm just because society is pushing a different “truth,” let’s parent in God’s truth. That’s the truth that can bring us more joy, love, care, happiness and compassion that we could ever dream of!