Standing for Jesus in a World That's Afraid to Stand

A handful of years ago my blog was my special little place here on the internet, but the one thing that I didn’t bring into my blog was any talk about faith or religion. I was so worried about “offending” any non believers and losing potential readers, that I stayed away from faith based posts. I was more consumed with being well liked by the world, that I did the very thing we shouldn’t do as Christians - hide our faith! This very idea of not standing our ground as Christians, seems to be the norm these days.

If you’re an avid reader of mine, then you know that this has changed. Over the last few years my writings have changed drastically as I have began to carve out a place in this online world as a Christian mom blogger and surprise, there’s a book in the works too! ;)

So what changed for me? To be honest I can’t even remember the exact moment that I knew I was wrong for not spreading God’s light, when clearly that’s what we are called to do. I just decided one day that I wasn’t going to consume myself with my popularity of the world, but instead consume myself with pleasing the one that matters the most. Why should we be consumed with what others think of us when those people have no way of getting us eternal happiness? Only God can grant that!

We are living in a time where it seems that everything we say or do offends someone, and I often find it’s the ones standing up for God that are silenced. Heck I once tried to PAY Facebook (something I have frequently done) to push a blog post into people’s feeds and received a message in return that because my title mentioned “God,” my ad was rejected. I sat there staring at my reply from the social media platform, devastated that my little post about faith filled parenting was considered offensive in the year 2020. And at this moment in time, I’ve been “cancelled” by loved ones simply because of our personal beliefs in raising our children, as we try to align our mission with God’s mission.

In a time where there is so much turmoil, so much darkness and not enough light, we HAVE to stand for God or we will lose our fight. We can't shy away from sharing a post from our church or sharing our favorite scripture any more. People need scripture and are hungry for it, even if they don’t know it yet. We can’t push down our beliefs and the sacred words of scripture so far that we just act like they don’t exist and in return accept all of the new beliefs that society is now trying to push upon us. Now, we can’t and shouldn’t force our beliefs onto others, because that’s not what we are called to do either. Sharing the gospel should be done lovingly and we should always strive to love others just as God loves us (no matter how hard some people make it).

As we navigate through the days of spiritual warfare that it seems has been cast upon us, we need to all strive hard to be a light. WE are called to be the salt and the light. We are called to share the good news and spread God’s light. Even if we have no clue what half of the bible says or who the 12 apostles were, we are called to be believers and to share that news with others.

We are also called as parents to stand up for Christ as we navigate through these trenches of parenthood. We will face obstacles, some fairly mild and others painfully hard, where we will be called to stand for Jesus. We will have to decide to choose God’s words over society’s words and we may lose people in our life because of this. We may have people who pull away simply because we are working hard to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We may have people keep their distance because our “light is too bright” and we may have people we offend (or just annoy) by proudly proclaiming the gospel on our social media platforms. We are called to love one another as God loves us AND we are called to spread the gospel. We can easily achieve both by loving people of all walks, beliefs and lifestyles, while still standing for God.

Standing up for God in a world that’s afraid to stand will not be easy. Even Peter couldn’t stand for Jesus right before his death, because he didn’t want to be “associated” with him. Peter didn’t want to be mocked or put to death for being a follower of Jesus Christ and here we are today, in a world where so many are doing the same.

Modern society is trying to push their truth on us, because it seems to be the only truth they want to acknowledge. For once, I know what I am called to write about and called to do. If standing for God means one person will unfollow me and 5 others will be inspired that day, then I am serving my purpose. My value isn’t found in the world or in the number of followers I have. My value isn't found in being the cool mom who lets anything slide or the Christian who is progressively moving with the times. We don’t get to hold the bible in our hands and only take the parts that we want from it. We have to take it as a whole and that means standing up for God in a world that’s becoming more afraid to stand.

So if you’re looking for something to be passionate about; for something for your children to be passionate about; or for growth in a time of mayhem, then I encourage you to dig deeper. Dig deeper and grow more intimate with Christ, little by little, so we can all be the light we are called to be. We can spend our whole lives searching for a purpose/value/or title, when really, our purpose has been laid out since before we even came to be.